Motor Racing Heritage Association Inc.

Post Office Box 10953-0953

Daytona Beach FL 32120

To become a member, send a note to the above address.


MRHA Mission Statement .

The Motor Racing Heritage Association is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the history of racing on the World’s Most Famous Beach. Founded in 1994, we are committed to identifying locations of interest to racing enthusiasts and to supporting those organizations which carry forth the tradition of racing today.

  Suzanne Heddy

Francis E. Stanley, inventor of the steam-driven automobile, in front of the Ormond Garage in his 1908 Model M Stainley Steamer touring car.

The Motor Racing Heritage Association was incorporated July 22, 1994 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Its founders dedicated the organization to the “preservation and promotion of the history of racing on the World’s Most Famous Beach”. Today, the members of Motor Racing Heritage Association remain committed to this purpose and to supporting those organizations which carry forth the tradition of racing today. From the beginning there were two major objectives: To identify locations in Volusia County that are of interest to racing enthusiasts, and to maintain a calendar of activities related to racing’s past and present. Our first objective was completed in fine style with the publication of the Motor Racing History Map. This full color brochure is now in its fourth printing. Area racing activities are discussed at all our meetings and a calendar is maintained by the Secretary. In addition to these accomplishments, MRHA funded the re-creation of the historic Ormond Garage to house the two replica cars that competed in the first sanctioned race in 1903. This building stands in the Birthplace of Speed Park overlooking the beach where the first races took place. Our latest project is a monument to Henry “Smokey” Yunick located in Holly Hill across from the site of his “Best Damn Garage In Town”. We represent a broad range of motor racing interests, and hope you will want to join us.

           Created by Suzanne Heddy January, 11 2023 Racing …. from the Past and Into the Future


Visit the original location of the: Birth Place of Speed. 


MRHA, this club has funded the cost of the

Replica Ormond Garage for the Birthplace of Speed park.

The Garage holds the two replica race cars that competed in the first sanctioned race on the beach in March of 1903.  Models of the Olds “Pirate” and the Winton “Bullet” were commissioned by the City of Ormond Beach in 2003 to commemorate 100 years of racing history that crowned Ormond Beach as the Birthplace of Speed. 

We continue to act as its caretaker.

See stainley steamer replica in
ormond beach restaurant
Located downtown in Ormond Beach
(parking in the back next to City Hall)

Ormond Beach owns an operating replica of the Stanley Steamer “Rocket” that held the Land Speed record set on Ormond beach from 1907 to 1910. This was last driven by Dan Smith at Amelia Island in 2013. We were instrumental in having it displayed at the Ormond Garage Brewery.    Dick Hildebrand

Honoring indivituals for the history of racing

motor racing heritage association