
 All interested race enthusiast and members of this club are encouraged to add information to this website,
including pictures with a description of each. 
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Agenda MRHA Meeting 

 Tuesday July 9, 2024 LOUIE’S PIZZA HOUSE

1347 Beville Road Daytona Beach, FL Food Service

– 11:00 am Meeting @ Noon

1) Minutes by Kathleen for approval

2) Treasurers report for approval – Kathleen

3) Suzanne – Project update

4) President’s ramblings

5) Lunch Bunch

6) Podcast

7) Wisdom from Dan

8) Last comments - discussion

9) Next meeting at Louie’s August 13th–adjourn -Thanks


June 11, 2024 Meeting Minutes

1.     17 members were present. Met at Louie’s Pizza. Steve Miller called meeting to order at 11:56 am.

2.     Meeting Minutes Approved

3.     Treasurer’s Report Approved

4.     Tim Sullivan Award posted on back wall of garage. We will have a small dedication once plaque is ready and will invite Tim Sullivan’s son to help dedicate.  Will set date for dedication later. Plaque will be about 12 X 18, Dan Smith will take care of the wording for plaque.

5.     Suzanne suggested having a speed mural created on the west wall of produce market near Granada. Project was well received by all club members. Steve will notify Suzanne to proceed with project. Suzanna will bring info to July meeting.

6.     Lunch Bunch – Aunt Catfish’s  – 11:30 am, June 27th

7.     Buz McKim’s  Podcast this weekend. Pending guest.

8.     Rest of meeting spend on miscellaneous topics

9.     Next Meeting- July 9, Louie’s Pizza House, 11am Lunch Service, 12pm Meeting. Adjourned at 12:43pm.

MRHA website:

Secretary- Whitney Osborn
Submitted by Kathleen Knox-Treasurer

MINUTES OF MEETING OF MRHA MARCH 12, 2024 Meeting was held at Louie’s Pizza House

13 members were present

. Dave called meeting to order at 12:00 pm.

Minutes were not read Secretary was absent Treasurer report read and approved MSHFA-

Dave told members that he resigned from volunteering Event updates-Beach parade at North Turn on February 10th had 71 cars participating the Napier 48 was on display, Drive In Church had a good turnout but unable to drive them on beach, Garage opening we had 30 people tour garage on February 16th due to rain unable to open on the 17th . Update on Johnny Kaeserman on hold for now-Stinky and I were to meet him for lunch. He had to cancel. His business partner died suddenly and shop is very busy and running things on his own. No words of Wisdom Dan was absent. Meeting was adjourned by Dave at 12:30-next meeting at Louie’s on April 9th Kathleen Knox, Acting Secretary
